Frequently Asked Questions

The who, what, when, where & why of Gutenberg.


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What's this site about?

Go Gutenberg was created by Dave Warfel, owner of the popular WordPress blog, WP Smackdown. The site aims to help WordPress site owners & editors better understand Gutenberg, and how to use it.

What is Gutenberg?

Gutenberg is the codename for a new WordPress editing experience that is launching with WordPress 5.0. It's also the last name of a man named Johannes who invented the printing press in the year 1440.

Why Gutenberg?

Why change the WordPress editor? I'll direct you to a few excellent articles on the topic. They explain it much better than I can. We called it Gutenberg for a reason, from Matt Mullenweg himself Gutenberg, or the Ship of Theseus

When will Gutenberg be available?

Gutenberg is available right now, as a WordPress plugin. However, it is still under active development, so be careful using it on live sites. There is no official launch date for Gutenberg yet, but it is expected to be released as an update to WordPress Core with version 5.0. Tentatively, you can expect it to launch in April or May 2018.

Where will I see Gutenberg?

There are larger plans for Gutenberg down the road, but for right now, it will only affect your page & post editing experience. In the WordPress admin area, when you navigate to Posts > All Posts or Pages > All Pages, and then click on a post or page to edit, you will see the new Gutenberg editing interface, instead of the old editing experience you saw before.

How do I disable Gutenberg?

If you're not ready to use Gutenberg when it launches with WordPress 5.0, you can disable it with a plugin. We've written an entire article on how to disable Gutenberg & return to the classic editor. This will allow you to edit posts & pages like you always have, with the TinyMCE editor.

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