Columns Block

Create multi-column layouts and include other Gutenberg blocks within each column.



The columns block lets you create multi-column layouts within your content area, and include other blocks inside each column.

Up to 6 columns are supported.

NOTE: The columns block is still experimental. I’m not going into as much detail just yet, because it will likely change.

If you only want to include text in multiple columns, you should use the text column block instead.

Column Settings

The only real setting is the number of columns. You can select anywhere from 2-6 columns.

Like all blocks, an additional CSS class is also supported.

Preformatted Block Styling

Your preformatted block will be styled by your theme, and will typically be displayed in a monospace font.

Spacing & Responsiveness

When testing the columns block, I noticed two important things:

  • No spacing is applied between columns
  • The columns do not stack on smaller devices, meaning they get very squished

It is likely that WordPress is working on a way to better handle these issues. It’s also possible that it’ll be left up to theme developers to decide how to handle responsive columns.

Other Gutenberg Blocks

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